Chiropractic Care for Bloomsburg, Danville, Berwick, Benton, Lewisburg, Millville, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas in Columbia County.
Primary Spine Care for Columbia County
Dr. Bottesch is coaching youth and high school soccer again this Fall. As a result of that, available appointment days and times may vary, in particular availability on the weekends.
Dr. Bottesch has launched a brand new YouTube channel called Understanding Your Pain! Check out the trailer for our channel!
Our goal with this channel is to help spread information in a simple context about why things hurt.
There are reasons why things start to bother us and cause pain. We are here to help you understand WHY!
The lessons in these videos are based on conversations that were had in person with patients in the office on a daily basis and the hope is to spread that message to a broader audience! Stay tuned for updates!
Primary Spine Care & Chiropractic
We treat the following conditions
Lumbar Conditions:
Acute Low Back Pain
Chronic Low Back Pain
Disc Derangements
Disc Herniations
Facet Joint Pain
Myofascial Pain
Spinal Stenosis
Sacroiliac ("Hip") Pain
Piriformis Syndrome
Dynamic Instability
Cervical/Thoracic Conditions:
Acute Neck Pain
Chronic Neck Pain
Acute Mid-Back Pain
Chronic Mid-Back Pain
Whiplash Associated Disorder
Disc Derangements
Disc Herniations
Spinal Stenosis
Facet Joint Pain
Myofascial Pain
Dynamic Instability
Oculomotor Dysfunction
Other Conditions:
Tension Headaches
Cervicogenic Headaches (joint-related)
Migraine Headaches (musculoskeletal origin)
Shoulder Pain
Hip (femoroacetabular) Pain
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (Trochanteric Bursitis)
Tennis Elbow
Extremity Pain (wrist, hand, knee, and ankle)
Sport Related Injury in Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Car Accident Injury in Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Personal Injury in Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Work Related Injury in Bloomsburg, PA 17815
and many more…

Bloomsburg Spine & Sport providing the best spine care for car accidents in Bloomsburg, PA 17815.

Bloomsburg Spine & Sport providing the best spine care for work injuries in Bloomsburg, PA 17815.

Bloomsburg Spine & Sport providing the best spine care for low back pain in Bloomsburg, PA 17815.

Bloomsburg Spine & Sport providing the best spine care for car accidents in Bloomsburg, PA 17815.